good morning messages good morning sms
good morning messages sms
Your mind is a Magnet
If you think of blessings, you attract blessings;
And if you think of problems, you attract problems. So,
Always cultivate good thoughts and always remain positive & optimistic...
*Good Morning
*Something Special things waiting for You, you just need to recognize it and make the most of it.*
*Have a positive attitude throughout the day and then*
*I am sure for you that today is going to be a Best Day.*
*Good Morning!*
*Even the Best Person*
*in Your Life,*
*Will Lie to You at*
*Some Point...*
*May be, Sometimes*
*''You'' are More important*
*than Truth!*
🌺 Good morning 🌺
Changing the face
can change nothing,
Facing the change
will definitely change everything.
Good Morning
Disappointments when we face weren't meant to destroy us, instead they were meant to strengthen us & give us fortitude to accomplish our goals and dreams.
Stay Focused and Stay Blessed.
Good Morning!!!
Life is difficult for everyone, we all have stress and we all need someone in our lives that we can lean on, never think that you cannot talk to someone because they have problems to or that your friend or loved one would be better off without you on your problems. You'll soon find out that they need you as much as you need them.
Good morning and have a great day.
Imagine this : If you had Rs.86,400 in your account and someone stole Rs.10 from you, would you be upset and throw the remaining amount Rs 86,390 away in hopes of going back at the person who took your Rs.10 ? No.. You would move on and live. Right? The same way we have 86400 seconds each day. Don't let someone's negative 10 seconds ruin the remaining 86390 seconds of your day. Don't sweat the small stuff. Life is bigger than that.
Have a positive day!
Goodmorning 😘😘😘
All problems are only due to two words "early" and "late"
We dream too early..
And act too late..
_We trust too early.._
_And forgive too late._
_We get angry too early.._
_And apologise too late._
_We give up too early.._
_And restart too late._
_We cry too early .._
_And smile too late_
_Change "early" or_
_It will be too "late"_
Good morning😊
*"Love" And "Friendship" Are The Two Best Relationships In The World.*
*There Is A Cute "Love" In "Friendship".*
*There Is Beautiful "Friendship" I"n Love."*
*Never Miss Both.*
*Good Morning*
*.Excellent Words by*
*Swami Vivekanand*
*A Man is not Poor*
*Without a Rupee*...
*A Man is Really Poor*
*Without a Dream*
*Good Morning* 💐
Patience dose not mean the capacity to wait, but it means the capacity to keep your mind in control while you are waiting!!!
Goodmorning 😘
Happy weekend 🤗
"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad."
*Never stop believing yourself*
Goodmorning ☺
When the day is over
the night will come
That day will be gone
what’s done is done
Enjoy your dreams
throughout the night
and start a new morning
with a brand new light..
Beautiful Morning Friends
Have Lovely Day !!!
Good Morning
With A Great Light Of Sun
With The Songs Of Birds
With The Great Azaan Of Masjid
With The Quraan
With The Happiness
With A Great Smile
And With The Morning Prayer.
Smile a while and while you smile,
smile another smile and soon there
will be miles and miles of smile
just because you smiled,
I wish your day is full of SMILE
Good Morning
No shadows to depress u,
only joys to surround u,
friends to luv u,
and God himself to bless u.
These r my wishes for today,
tomorrow & everyday.
Good Morning…!!
Sweet Morning For
"Sweet Friend"
Lovely Morning For
"Lovely Friend"
Best Morning For
"Best Friend"
Good Morning For
"Good Friend"
I May Not B Wth U
My Thinking
My Care
My Msgs
My Prayers
My Lovely Wishes R Always With U.
Good Morning..
Every New Day
Is A New Chapter
Of Life,
Bringing New Topics
New Moments 4 Life,
I Wish 2day All The Gud
Moments Approach,
Y To Make Your Day
She Came Today
Early Morning
Started Fighting
Her Complain Was
Who The Hell
Permitted You
To Come In My Dreams.
Good Morning...!
A Good Morning Text Doesn't
Only Mean
''Gud Morning'',
It Has A Silent Loving
Message That Says,
I Think Of U
When I Wake Up..!
A Very Special Morning
Knocking At Ur Door With
Lots Of Bless,
Joys & Fun...
Get Up N Come 2 Receive Dem,
Wish U A Fantastic Cool Day.
¤ Good Morning ¤
Today's weather Report:
U'll have Rain of Blessings
Wind of Joy,Fog of Peace
Dews of Love,Snow of Happiness
& blossom of GOD`S GRACE.
Good Morning
```If you can't be thankful for what you have,
be thankful for what you've escaped.```
``` *GooD MorninG*```
*Excellent Words by*
*Swami Vivekanand*
*A Man Is Not Poor*
*Without A Rupee*...
*A Man Is Really Poor*
*Without A DREAM*
The Dream is not what you see in sleep
Dream is the thing which does not let you sleep.
Good Morning
; ;
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""" """
One for you, other for Me...
*Good Morning*
Have A Great Day.....
()"*"() HELL0,
,( 'o', ) it's Me!,
,(,,)=(,,)==== =,
I climbed up ur window 2 greet u Good night! But couldn't reach on time..
Attention please! Passengers in Sweetdream airlines are requested to open their eyes because the plane is just going to land on a beautiful day.....
A Simple Good Good Morning
Become A Special
Greeting Wen Sum1 So
Dare It Is Heartily
Given.....because U Hav 2
Be A Wonderful Meaning.
Take Care!
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